The Best Soil Test Kit
Start with Soil Testing
An important first step
Soil testing is similar to a medical doctor running blood work. Many tests are run to find any abnormalities to diagnose problems. Likewise it's important to get a full picture of your lawn and garden. For this reason the best soil test kit includes much more than a simple pH test.
EarthWorks and EW4H partner with the leading lab for soil testing. They provide services to all areas of the agricultural and professional turf communities. In addition, our lab provides quick turnaround time and analytical accuracy.
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EW4H Soil Testing
Soil testing is a great starting point in any good lawn and garden program. It is the “road map” when choosing the correct fertilizing program. Because it helps to identify what products to use as well as when and how much to apply. We supply recommendations along with your results. They include a fertilizing schedule, a list of any additional products that your soil needs, and links for additional information. Soil testing should be done every year in early spring.
The EarthWorks For Home kit includes: pH, organic matter, base saturation, total exchange capacity, extractable sulfur, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, boron, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, aluminum.